How to send email with Resend

Knock integrates with Resend to send email notifications to your users. Note: you will need an existing Resend account to set up this integration.

In this guide you'll learn how to get started sending transactional email notifications with Resend through Knock. We also cover provider configuration details.


  • Attachments support
  • Delivery tracking
  • Bounce support
  • Knock link and open tracking
  • Per environment configuration
  • Sandbox mode

Getting started

You can create a new Resend channel in the dashboard under the Integrations > Channels section. From there, you'll need to configure the channel for each environment you have.

Channel configuration

The following channel settings should be configured per environment. Navigate to Integrations > Channels in your dashboard, select your Resend channel, then click "Manage configuration" under the environment that you'd like to configure.

Recipient data requirements

To send an email notification you'll need a valid email property set on your recipient.

Debugging common errors

Identity not found

If you see an Identity not found error in your delivery logs this is because you need to verify your sending domain with Resend (the From email address).

Delivery tracking

Delivery tracking for Resend can result in the following status updates to your message:

  • The message delivery is confirmed and Knock updates the message to delivered
  • The message was not delivered due to a bounce and Knock updates the message to bounced