How to send SMS messages with Plivo

Knock integrates with Plivo to send SMS notifications to your recipients.


  • Delivery tracking
  • Knock link tracking
  • Per environment configuration
  • Sandbox mode

Getting started

You can create a new Plivo channel in the dashboard under the Integrations > Channels section. From there, you'll need to take the following steps in Plivo before you can configure your channel within Knock.


Create a Plivo account

Sign up for a Plivo account if you haven't already.

After doing this you will gain access to your dashboard where you can find your Auth ID and Auth Token.


Verify a phone number

You can add a sandbox number for testing, or you can buy a Plivo phone number to use as the from field on your Knock channel.


Configuring Plivo in Knock

Now that you have your verified phone number, Auth ID and Auth Token, you're ready to configure your Plivo channel in the Knock dashboard under the Integrations > Channels section.

Channel configuration

The following channel settings should be configured per environment. Navigate to Integrations > Channels in your dashboard, select your Plivo channel, then click "Manage configuration" under the environment that you'd like to configure.

Recipient data requirements

In order to send an SMS notification you'll need a valid phone_number property set on your recipient.